CLIENT: Why are you focused on Singapore?
EASTWOOD: A very kindhearted man in Singapore emailed me and brought the problem to my attention with statistics. Yang Changshi asked me to write something that could help the children in Singapore. He was focused on the number of children committing suicide and wanted me to help.
CLIENT: Singapore is a long way away; how did you meet this person?
EASTWOOD: He had been on my daily affirmation page for some time, and it had been working for him, and he wanted to give it to the children in their schools in a format that would be geared for very young children. That’s what he cared about, and I can understand why.
CLIENT: Is the problem worse in Singapore than the US?
EASTWOOD: The problem is everywhere. Recently, I learned that attempted suicide by children, ages 10 to 12, has shown a 73% increase in the U.S. What I am seeing is a worldwide problem, but because Yang Changshi was so persistent in emailing me and people in the government of Singapore, I was impressed with his initiative. He was sending everyone all these statistics to do something about it, to help the kids. It was obvious to me that we needed to do something. I then realized that his idea for a free printout or book was a good idea.
CLIENT: A small item that he could print for free?
CLIENT: How has that worked out for you?
EASTWOOD: I can’t offer books for free on major distribution platforms like and Amazon because they charge fees. That’s when I decided to offer something for free direct from my six websites. I learned how to create an illustrated small book with a new program. Many people like it and are downloading it, but I have no way to tell how far it has gone.
CLIENT: You have a good heart to want to help children.
EASTWOOD: I want to help everyone. I have put some material on manifesting that young adults would like, and more advanced material for everyone in the book. It’s for all ages.
CLIENT: Are you satisfied with this project and how it is going.
EASTWOOD: Yes. If you are age seven and reading this book, you learn to respect your parents’ worldview and wishes but also why you need to open your mind to other people’s ideas. I tell them that if they have difficult circumstances, it is for a reason. There are ways to be happy no matter what is happening around them and you can make people feel good. You can do that with just a little knowledge, effort and the right worldview.
CLIENT: Be part of the solution?
EASTWOOD: Yes. That’s the idea, and if the book is circulated by those people who download it from my websites, it will have a great impact. We can heal division. We can be joyful and have what we want in life if we know how. I just want to tell people how it’s done. If everyone feels great and knows how to create their dreams, they are not going to commit suicide. Depression only happens when you apply the wrong thinking and worldview. If you feel powerless to change a world you see as being corrupt or beyond your reach and ability to change, you are going to bring on a depressed state of mind.
CLIENT: I see this pattern in what you do. You want to tell people why the current way of thinking doesn’t work, and you want to show them what does.
EASTWOOD: Exactly. If it helps the world then I have done some good, and I can be proud of that.