10a – #1 A 1 A 1 Children are dying interview


William Eastwood: International Philosopher

William Eastwood philosopher new
William Eastwood.

“Consciousness is altruistic, and that means that you are an amazing, powerful and beautiful person.”

— William Eastwood.


Children are dying interview

EN CLIENT: Why did you offer a new book this year at no cost?

William Eastwood in Durango
William Eastwood in Durango Colorado USA 2023.

EASTWOOD: There are conflicts and violence worldwide that tell me the majority are creating by default, are divisive or both.

CLIENT: But why an all-ages book?

EASTWOOD: Someone told me that mental health expenditures in Singapore are estimated at nearly $16 billion (about $49 per person in the US) a year, a nation of only 5.5 million people, and the problem is not exclusive to adults.


EASTWOOD: When you have solutions, you can’t sit back and do nothing.


Thoughts can and do create matter and reality affirmations by William Eastwood
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Thoughts create matter follow William Eastwood
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


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