Updated 3/20/24
The Inner UN • All nations united • earth-network.org
VOLUNTEERS OF EARTH! Help Solve the World’s Problems!
We will be creating an international commission.
United Metaphysics International Education Commission (UMIEC).
Volunteers of earth
There is a very real change taking place at this time in history. Simply by learning the truth about reality you can create an explosive positive reaction, with a tsunami of emotional energy reverberating through your being and outward to affect all others. What is going to happen when millions of people do this?
The myriad benefits of becoming positive are astounding. It is incredibly simple and easy to transform your existence.
What happens when the world accepts International Philosophy?
The entire earth is enveloped by the energy emitted by humans. This means that with each explosive joyful recognition of our true nature comes a wave of energy that brings life. The earth itself will become more charged with positive energy.
The energy of your life and of the planet can contain optimism and a recognition of the potential of all people, all life on earth, the future of humanity, and existence itself. You are composed of Intelligent Light.
You were not created in the past and you are not running out of energy as you “age,” but are being continually created in the same way light coming out of a light bulb is ongoing.
As International Philosophy is recognized for the first time on a global scale, this is exactly what is going to happen to everyone. The energy of your life and of the planet will contain higher optimism and a recognition of the potential of all people, all life on earth, the future of humanity, and existence itself. All people will control their health and appearance.
As the people of earth realize that they are consciousness, and that consciousness is imbued with an assortment of positive characteristics, not the least of which is, eternal existence and fulfillment, then they will in that instant of realization experience another explosion of great joy.
People will realize that they want to be on earth. They will be here by choice. It is a blessing not a curse.
What does it mean to volunteer to do something? What is it about volunteering that is so different from working nine to five? Why do people volunteer? Is it because it is something they want to do?
The difficulties people have in life are due to the belief that they must do what they do not want to do. Some will get stuck in misery simply by thinking that it is all too much of a burden for them to endure. Yet the whole reason you or anyone else are here is because you want to experience life.
When you die, you are born to another fantastic reality. There is no end to life and experience, and the reason why there is no end is because one of the characteristics of consciousness is the desire for life and experience.
The you that you know as yourself will never be threatened but will live forever. Consciousness cannot be harmed. The body can, but the spirit cannot be destroyed.
The reason why you signed up for life is because you wanted to live, not die. You want life. You want to experience life. Then experience life. Experience everything with delight. This is what you want, this is what you volunteered for!
You are a volunteer of earth because you volunteered to come here.
But by spreading the paradigm of Internal Science and International Philosophy you become a volunteer for the advancement of humanity and the earth itself. You advance life and all that is good. Becoming positive is an advancement of life. But the new paradigm is exceptional, and acceptance of it will be highly transformative.
As soon as an awakening begins, this realization of what it means to be a conscious being, a soul on earth exploring the Infinity of its being with no limits to be experienced ever, throughout eternity, is again going to create an explosion of joy and positive thinking. This positive energy is going to change our existence. there is going to be a wave of positive energy across the earth.
When we volunteer for something, we do it because we want to do it. We volunteered to come here to exist on earth to experience life. We did not come here to be miserable and sulk. We did not come here to do what we do not want to do.
Volunteers of earth are those who are here to raise the consciousness of the planet. The way that is done is through recognition of their own true nature and the nature of consciousness. When we realize that we are creators, volunteering to be here on earth, our first reaction is great joy, and the desire to be positive.
It is as if being positive is a great big magical key that opens the door to an unlimited experience of a positive nature. The kingdom of heaven is here on earth the second we become positive beings. The joy in the glory is not outside of ourselves. We are consciousness, and we are the creators of existence. There’s great joy to be had in realizing this.
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Consciousness is altruistic, in that means you are an altruistic being. you are a volunteer on earth having an experience of life.
Volunteers of earth are transforming existence and reality. Volunteers of Earth are not just solving the world’s problems. The volunteers of earth are choosing life and ecstasy over pain and suffering.
If you are a volunteer of earth, you are helping the planet and all life on the planet. We will be reversing climate change, solving the world’s problems and enriching our own lives as we awaken to our true reality, and realize the nature of consciousness, the consciousness of which we are composed. We are consciousness.
Volunteers of earth are changing the world through consciousness technology.

There are over a billion people living in slums today, yet we have the philosophy that can get them out. All I need is a little bit of help.

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“If you do good things, good things will happen to you.”
(Like finding a treasure while removing litter from the side of a country road at the exact moment he made that statement.)
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I thank everyone that has made contributions, and those who have purchased books. I would not have been able to do it without you!
The greatest mission on earth

“If we get the attention and funding we need by 2025, the debut of Earth Network will consist of 25 books. We are only now getting ready for that launch. You can help us get there.
“When you buy a book, you help me to fund Earth-Network.org to make it a non-profit to help people the world over.
“Earth Network can bring about a better world and will reach out to every hungry child and dark corner on earth. When we are done, nothing will be the same.” — William Eastwood.
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