Does Druid Magic & Wizards of the Order of Merlin Exist? Royal Descent & Secret Knowledge

Does Druid Magic Wizards Order of Merlin Exist Secret Knowledge
William Eastwood consciousness creates reality

The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13This is documented in the public record.

“Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges.” — Camille, The Edge Magazine.


Does Druid Magic & Wizards of the Order of Merlin Exist? Royal Descent & Secret Knowledge

  • Does Druid magic and wizards of the Order of Merlin exist?
  • What is royal descent and secret knowledge?


Druid magic and secret knowledge

Does Druid Magic power & Wizards Order of Merlin Exist? Secret Knowledge
Order of Merlin secret knowledge.

Druid magic and secret knowledge has vanished because the Druids did not write down what they knew. Their knowledge can be obtained through trance channeling however.

You have an inner system of communication that is superior to computers or phones. The inner communication system works automatically at all times. Your intent goes out into the universe and does your will.

The speakers or Druid priests could find food and predict the weather by going into trance. They could project their consciousness into all the elements of nature. Men would merge their consciousness with birds and animals and see reality through their eyes. The insides of things were better known in those times. Astral projection was easier for them because they were not as focused in the outer world as we are today.

However, we can learn to use some of their methods. Learn to bring what you want into existence with your mind. Once something is thought and imagined, it exists on inner levels of consciousness.

You can also learn to remember your dreams and astral project. I have had thousands of astral projections over the course of my life.


“With great confidence, I swung my arm in front of me, throwing a great emerald-green lightning bolt over tables, benches and people in a castle great room. I felt great joy and power in my display that terrorized the stunned townsfolk. It was the Middle Ages.  I felt as if I were a great wizard.” — William Eastwood.

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The world is in a dangerous trance, and we have forgotten who we are and what the Druids knew.

You can develop any skill, and acquire knowledge by intending it. What you love to do and are attracted to is for a reason. Your natural talents and interests are there for a reason.


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Druid magic and wizards of the Order of Merlin do exist

Does Druid Magic & Wizards of the Order of Merlin Exist? Secret Power Knowledge
William Eastwood.

Druid magic does exist but King Arthur is a composite of ideals and stories of people who may or may not have existed. Wizards of the order of Merlin may exist as realities within the field and in certain probabilities. The legend of King Arthur is about uniting kingdoms. That energy is needed in the world today. It is time to unite countries.


Royal descent and secret knowledge

Regardless of historical facts, the energy created by stories and legends accumulates and evolves on inner levels. There are particular entities who form the original story. There are interactions between all time periods. You can learn to tune into certain people who exist in the past. The cells in your body perceive the past and future as they exist now.

The power and protection of certain powerful entities can be called upon to help us solve problems and unite nations. What is happening now may be legendary in the future.

Arthur’s grave was said to have been discovered on the Isle of Avalon (now called Glastonbury). On a large stone cross was carved “I have seen,” followed by “Here lies buried the famous King Arthur with Guinevere, his second wife, in the isle of Avalon.”

The magic and protection that Excalibur represented exists regardless of historical facts. Legend has it that it is available to any blood descendant of those who possessed the power in the past.

You carry the accumulated knowledge of your ancestors in your cells. Whatever ancestors you have are alive on inner levels and you can access their spirits through cellular perception, dreams or psychic experiences.

Does Druid magic and wizards of the order of Merlin exist? Secret inner knowledge
Excalibur power & protection.

The true glory of King Arthur, the great magician Merlin and the magic and protection of Excalibur will rise again. The legend represents humankind at its best, and this is what I am aiming to recreate in my film, “The Dragon Slayer Prophecy.”




We will unite nations

We will unite nations. The young people will change the world, and this is why we are reaching out to them. The older generation is responsible for the world’s predicament.



“The world needs a catalyst to bring the human race to the next level, to empower the individual and diminish the structures of fear and control-based myths currently creating havoc in the world today.”

— William Eastwood.



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300 years in the future when historians ask, “What happened in the 21st Century?” the answer will be “This movie.”


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The Internal Science & International Philosophy of William Eastwood Provided by to Solve Individual & World problems concludes.
The Internal Science & International Philosophy of William Eastwood provided by to solve individual and world problems concludes.


Does Druid Magic & Wizards of the Order of Merlin Exist? Royal Descent & Secret Knowledge

© Copyright 2024, by: William Eastwood : All rights reserved.


CATEGORIES: Does Druid magic and wizards of the order of Merlin exist? Royal descent and secret knowledge. The science on which a new civilization will be based. Are Merlin the magician and King Arthur real? King Arthur and Merlin the great wizard exist. King Arthur and the wizard Merlin are real. Inner families of consciousness and lines of wizards., How do I know if I am a wizard or if I belong to a family of wizards? Internal Science and International Philosophy by William Eastwood.  

