“One night at age 12 or 13 as I lay in bed…”

“I didn’t come from an academic family, and I didn’t even receive guidance from my parents. I was thrown into the world alone without anyone telling me anything about success or surviving. My father criticized me and basically said “good luck, you’re on your own,” although he was a loving parent.
“I had to educate myself. And I didn’t fit in at all. I was threatened and bullied all the time. I had no connections to educated people. I started reading books and began applying metaphysical principles.
“One night at age 12 or 13 I decided I needed to find out if what I was learning was true and if I really had an inner self. So, as I stared out my bedroom window at a full moon over a snow covered bitter cold landscape in January, I asked some questions directed to my inner self as I fell asleep. I asked, ‘If you are there, I need to know if all of this is true.’
“That night I woke up three times, or so I thought. Each time I tried to move, I couldn’t. I was terrified, but I did eventually move, but not in my physical body.
Great prophets are always prosecuted. Socrates was made to drink poison (Hemlock). The Socrates school was burned to the ground and Plato’s academy was destroyed. Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei were two scientists who printed books that later became banned.
See The Altruistic Movement or get the amazing true story. The Dragon Slayer Prophecy will reveal what is happening today.
Why the human race may not survive
The film that reveals what is going on behind the scenes.