How to Materialize Cash Money & Other Treasures Fast! International Philosophy

How to Materialize Cash Money & Treasure Fast! International Philosophy

William Eastwood consciousness creates reality
Eastwood Interview.

The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. “My study and 50 years of research shows that intensity, conditions and other factors determine when your thoughts will manifest money.”

He has a daily post to help you materialize cash, money and other treasures fast.

His mission is to help you!

    • Internal Science.
    • International Philosophy.
    • The Inner UN.
    • The Altruistic Movement.
    • “C = Ef = M”


How to Materialize Cash Money & Other Treasures Fast! International Philosophy

  • How to materialize cash money and other treasures FAST.
  • How do I materialize cash money and treasure fast with International Philosophy?


The method is very simple. I will reveal how now.


How Do I Manifest Money Without Having to Work? UN. Materialize What You Want the Easy Way
The Inner UN.
Inner Treasure.


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How do I materialize cash money fast with International Philosophy?

How Do I Manifest Money Without Having to Work? William Eastwood. Materialize What You Want
William Eastwood.

It is simple to materialize cash money. The biggest obstacle for many people is the belief that nothing could be so easy. Accepted values and beliefs go in the opposite direction. People will reward you for your hard work. The belief that nothing comes easy is a belief that manifests.

To materialize cash money or whatever you consider to be treasure, begin to work on all these beliefs.

You don’t have to work hard to materialize cash money, but you do have to follow certain procedures properly. If you focus on having money and put a lot of energy into memories of times you had money you can materialize cash money fast.

Everyone has different ways to manifest money, so do what feels right to you. You can clear out all conflicting beliefs by visiting my affirmation pages because the affirmations there are designed to cover all the usual beliefs that snag people and cause them to be unable to manifest cash money.

A few minutes in the morning works well for me. Sometimes I will look at all four affirmation pages and repeat just the affirmations that resonate with me at the time. At other times I will be thorough and read them all, imbuing each affirmation with belief, emotion and the conviction that what I am doing is powerful and will work.

I will do this for weeks or months at a time, followed by breaks, but I will always return when I need to. If I feel as if I am sliding into negativity I will return. I don’t allow myself to be negative, and the content I have posted on the affirmation pages are my own best thoughts. There is always something I can find that will boost my energy. Certain trigger-thoughts activate inner probabilities, and I am inspired and highly motivated again.

Because positive emotions do attract and manifest, as soon as I am positive again everything changes. It is as if I am in a different world, and I am. I have lifted myself into a different line of probability. And that’s always preferable to the failures, the common miseries and fears many people suffer through for their entire life.


Daily Affirmation and guidance pages

With four affirmation pages you can find the precise affirmation(s) and insight(s) you need to make the day go your way.


Making affirmations work is an art and a science that requires a different skill set than what most of us were taught. How well you can materialize money depends largely on how well you can escape the common, official fear-based belief worldview on the news. Anyone who believes it can work will tend to get fast results and can materialize cash money out of the blue.

Clear all unconstructive thoughts and replace everything negative with positive expectations. Do not give any more consideration to things you do not want to happen. Focus on what you want as if it were happening now and fill yourself with the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

Find out what your private triggers are that create high positive emotional energy. Utilize these triggers first thing in the morning and whenever possible. Take hold of your most positive memories and focus on them until you increase the energy stored in your cells and in the probable field that is associated with these feelings.

The field of probabilities is the inner reality of infinite unmanifest events. Your success already exists in the field. To materialize cash money and whatever treasure you want, be it love or gold, you must create what you want in your imagination.

Create thoughts or a mental movie of having cash money and the treasure you are after. Place yourself in the center of it so that you feel like that reality surrounds you in the present tense. Feel the feelings you would have if you had all the cash, money and treasure you desire.

Begin by doing this for a few minutes at a time, perhaps once or twice a day. After you are done, release it to the universe.

For the rest of the day, focus on the positive. Generate intense positive feelings about everything in your life. Appreciate the sunny day, the freedoms you have, and frame everything as positive.

Always practice sincere gratitude and appreciation for everything you touch or look at. Do not chew on negative thoughts about people or let disappointments fester. Eliminate these kinds of habits from your life with absolute certainty.


Where everyone is going every morning!

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Say affirmations as often as you like. Say, “I now receive cash money easily and frequently,” and mentally repeat any and every positive affirmation you can find or invent that has a bearing on materializing cash money and whatever treasure you are after.

While you say these affirmations, dwell on the principles and science that reveals the facts. These are the principles of International Philosophy that give you a reason to believe that what you are doing will work to manifest cash money and the treasures you are after.

Feel the incredible power of your thoughts and affirm their power.

It is possible to get fast results, and you WILL get some results right away, but it usually takes at least a month to get the main event and the full results you are asking for. If at any time you throw up your arms and give up, you lose what you have gained. Visit my affirmation page whenever you find yourself slipping back into negativity or doubt.



William Eastwood in his 20s in Florida
William Eastwood.

His mission is to help you!


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Science with a heart and soul!




Free daily affirmations and guidance

Affirmations and daily guidance.
William Eastwood affirmations & the way to success posted daily.


By holding great expectations and focusing on everything that is a match for what you want, you affect past, present and future probabilities.

You are surrounded by a field of probabilities, and you draw from these what you experience according to what you believe and expect. This process, rather than past events, determines events.

If you can make this your default worldview you will experience profound results and you will be able to materialize more and more cash money and whatever treasure floats your boat. That can only be done through education and being careful what you choose to believe. The value of my 500 free articles and books is in the fact that it is a single consistent International Philosophy that will materialize only what you want, and not conflicting beliefs that other philosophies may inadvertently lead you to adopt.

If a philosophy tells you that you must do something specific to get the results you are after and you internalize that belief, then you must do what they say. If you are told a certain food will make you healthy, for example, does that imply that other foods will make you unhealthy?

Half-truths are more dangerous than outright lies, and this is why artificial intelligence and authors with limited experience can mess up the process and even your life, so be careful. If you can’t get rid of certain beliefs, you can use them. Beliefs are tools. You can work hard to make money, for example, and that will work well. But if one day in the future all you can do is work, it’s because you used this belief that hard work is the only way to make money.  Beliefs can be a trap or they can set you free, so choose them wisely.

If you are working hard, long hours, it is imperative that you maintain focus on the feeling of the wish fulfilled rather than the drudgery. Work must be a positive experience, and saying affirmation while you are working can help you to make it a positive experience.

International Philosophy avoids all the common traps that are everywhere when new ideas are first discovered. I have been testing these concepts for 50 years and I know what does and doesn’t work. My first book, “The Solution…” explains the most common mistake most people make and why they may not get the results they are after.

It is easy to panic or get desperate in your thoughts when you need money to pay the rent. This is the most detrimental thing you can do. You must place your faith in an inner area or intelligence (by whatever name you give it) to build for you. This can be done by thinking of every positive thought as being a deposit to a kind of inner bank account that is held by the inner self on your behalf.

If you trust and continue with inspired thoughts and great expectations, the inner bank account will accumulate interest up to five times what you could get from most financial investments and conventional bank accounts. But as soon as you doubt or think that only your physical actions matter and begin to overwork yourself, the money in that inner account is lost.

I have more material like this in my free article and many books that will help you to materialize cash money and all the treasures your heart desires, whatever they may be. The main obstacles to success are conflicting beliefs, so use my affirmation pages and read “The Solution…”



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“People who go around learning on their own often turn out to be pretty interesting themselves.” — Carolyn Battista, 1979 interview of Eastwood at age 16.


The most beautiful experiences in your life have happened because you created them. Anything you experienced before, you can do again, only it will be better this time. Let me show you how.


How to create what you desire

A woman realizes her thoughts form matter
A woman realizes her thoughts do create matter.

Applying the principle that thoughts create matter is easy when you know how.

We must first learn and understand different methods that work. Faith (I do not mean religious faith) is central and key to the process. The thoughts create matter formula is very simple.

To manifest effectively, it is necessary to take a certain stance toward reality that is based on understanding and trust. We attract and receive our desires by reveling in the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

When we have learned through trial and error, we know we will get results and so we trust the universe to deliver.

Read more…. (International Philosophy.)

Information like this can be found in all our 500 free articles and in my books.


In the last century quantum physics told us that everything has a wave state, and that observation collapses infinite possibilities (the wave state) into one specific probable event (the particle state). This is called the collapse of the wave state. Physicists did not realize the implications of these discoveries and the world is only now waking up to what is implied.

The mainstream science the world recognizes is one dimensional. There is no recognition of an inner area of activity where events are formed. There are thus no well-known mainstream methods to work with this information for the purpose of achieving goals and solving problems. I will give you that information on this website and in my books.



I will help you

William Eastwood in his 20s in Florida
William Eastwood.

You can extract yourself from the most difficult circumstances, and you can manifest your dreams and goals.

If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don’t go to this page, don’t follow your intuition, or don’t apply the principles, nothing will happen.

Click the icon below for the affirmation page.


Affirmations and daily guidance.
William Eastwood affirmations & the way to success posted daily.


Recognize the creative ability and power of your consciousness

We weren’t trained in how to use our mind because we were not taught that our beliefs, thoughts and emotions create our reality. You can clear your mind of destructive thinking habits and divert your attention to the most beneficial concepts by using my daily affirmation pages.

You can eliminate the “monkey mind,” which is the freewheeling mind that is erratic and lacks direction. When your thoughts drift indiscriminately and especially when you dwell on people and events you dislike, this is creation by default. You are not aware of the power and ability of your mind and so you use it in a way that lacks direction and works against your best interests.

In contrast, when you focus on positive memories and concepts, you will no longer be creating what you do not want by default. When you base directed thinking habits on knowledge of your inner reality, (Internal Science) and the creative potency of your thoughts and emotions, you increase the beneficial effect.

The right affirmations will increase the probability that you will materialize cash money or treasure on the day you say them. If you visit my affirmation pages daily, you will multiply the probability of materializing cash money or treasure in your life. With practice you will be able to materialize cash money and treasure fast, and your life will be transformed regardless of what is going on in the world around you.

When you organize your mind and base your thinking on positive metaphysical manifesting principles, you become powerful and effective in life.


The main article continues below.



Earth Network 50 years of research


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you are in an infinite web of probabilities
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Earth Network 50 years of research



10 book covers


Don’t forget our audiobook (at a different store). Just listen to it to make every day the best possible day, to learn, and to hear our affirmations.

To manifest your goals, use the script the narrator provides while you are listening. You will be told when to imagine your goals and the narrator’s suggestions will do their magic. Your goals will then manifest.


Our audiobook by Scott & William Eastwood
Listen, learn & manifest.



The main article resumes:


Use metaphysical manifesting principles to change your life for the better and to create the life you want. To do so, visit our daily affirmation and guidance page when you are upset or on a regular basis at a time that works for you. The affirmations there can be used to clear the mind of beliefs based on physicalism and the detrimental beliefs you may have adopted throughout your life.

Beliefs direct energy. It is the assumption that something is true that makes it a belief and gives it the energy necessary to create events on inner levels. When you intend to create goals and positive events, focus on constructive beliefs, positive thoughts and emotions, and your best memories, you are creating deliberately rather than by default.

When you generate the feeling of the wish fulfilled, you are directing emotional energy toward the formation of those events you desire on an inner level. When sufficient intensity is reached on inner levels, the events you intend manifest as physical events.



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Why Hasn't My Life Changed for the Better? Affirmations. Does Reality Ever Improve?
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“I have exactly what you want to read today.”

— William Eastwood.



International Philosophy


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When you think about the best time in your past, you will probably notice that you changed your life for the better easily, without struggle. However, this is not what we were taught. We are taught to believe that we must struggle in life, and this is where we go wrong. Effort and persistence are good and usually necessary, but pain and discomfort are not. And whatever you believe materializes as your reality. If you believe you must struggle then you will have to struggle to succeed, and something that comes easily will not lead to enduring success.

People who are successful expect success and feel pleasure most of the time. You may wonder why this makes a difference. Success is all about your worldview, how you think and feel. Thoughts and emotions either attract success or repel it. The average person has thoughts that are random and often negative. This is why their life hasn’t changed for the better. Their thoughts are actually getting in the way. 

When the mind creates by default, we must organize our mind around positive concepts and memories. This is what I help people to do.


The main article continues below.



Earth Network 50 years of research


Earth Network articles plan to solve world problems


Article panel list of 500 articles
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
Mind forms matter can thoughts create events objects
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Who you really are multidimensional inner self
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The secret power of your life.
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Earth Network presents a plan for world peace.
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A public notification of a new science paradigm consciousness creates reality
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Thoughts form matter presents: Materialize success
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Affirmations by William Eastwood

Affirmations to manifest anything you want instantly
A daily affirmation & guidance page.




Earth Network 50 years of research


10 book covers


Don’t forget our audiobook (at a different store). Just listen to it to make every day the best possible day, to learn, and to hear our affirmations.

To manifest your goals, use the script the narrator provides while you are listening. You will be told when to imagine your goals and the narrator’s suggestions will do their magic. Your goals will then manifest.


Our audiobook by Scott & William Eastwood
Listen, learn & manifest.



The main article resumes:


You can materialize cash money or treasure on the first day you start applying the principles properly. If you keep learning and applying International Philosophy, you will multiply the probability of materializing cash money or treasure in your life. With practice you will be able to materialize large amounts of cash, money and treasure fast.







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Fireworks finale for How Do I Manifest Money Without Having to Work? Materialize What You Want
Fireworks finale for How Do I Manifest Money Without Having to Work?

How to Materialize Cash Money & Other Treasures Fast! International Philosophy

Copyright © 2024, By: William Eastwood. All rights reserved.


How do I manifest money without having to work hard or at all?

Categories: How to materialize cash money and other treasures. How do I manifest money without having to work? How do you materialize what you want the easy way? Manifest and materialize cash money and treasure fast with International Philosophy. How to manifest money. Consciousness creates reality. International Philosophy. How to Use Thoughts to Create Money. How Does the Law of Attraction to Materialize Money Work? Click on our site to learn more.

We are powerful when we identify with our power and reject weakness. Affirm your power and your ability to create the circumstances, relationships and life you want.



  1. Feel your control and power over situations 
  2. Intensify your confidence in yourself and your ability to succeed 
  3. Maintain a positive focus.
  4. Believe in your ability to manifest money without having to work.

Enjoy your life