Universal Basic Income Worldwide: For Children & Adults Who Need Help


Universal Basic Income Worldwide: For Children & Adults Who Need Help

  • What is Universal Basic Income Worldwide?
  • How can we assist children & adults who need help?
  • How will everyone benefit from Universal Basic Income Worldwide?
  • Is Universal Basic Income Worldwide a logical and rational course of action?


I will answer these questions now.

Universal Basic Income Worldwide is necessary minimum assistance for those who need it most

It is the right thing to do.

Universal Basic Income Worldwide is necessary minimum assistance for children and adults who need help. With a climate emergency, wars and poverty, there is a need to set up a system of giving to those who are suffering the most. If we don’t take care of the world’s most needed, they may not be the only ones who do not survive.

We can’t live in a world full of people who are in dire circumstances, lacking food and basics. In this article and in my book, “The Altruism Code…” I explain various ways in which we can bring nations together for the creation of a world constitution. Universal Basic Income Worldwide for children & adults is one of those potential pathways and global unifying principle. Nations, ordinary people and the billionaires and wealthiest people can jump start this program. Wide-scale global healing and transformation of our planet begins here.

We must take care of the sick and helpless who happen to be in areas where the basics are not provided in our changing world suffering from a climate emergency and many other major challenges.


Greater purposes can be met through Universal Basic Income Worldwide

This program could become a unifying principle for civilization and additionally serve as a pathway to creating a world constitution. If their humanitarian goals are met by joining, nations will want to get on board. As nations join together, we arrive one step closer to a world constitution.

The help of wealthy individuals may also be needed for something this large to succeed. The following is what I wrote in the 2025 “Altruism Code…”


Wealthy philanthropists could organize an initiative toward a world constitution

A group of billionaire philanthropists could also initiate the process of creating a world constitution by creating a fund for disaster relief, feeding the poor and education. They would receive global public support in direct proportion to the perceived benefit and integrity of their program. 

—From Chapter Thirty-Nine of “The Altruism Code…” by William Eastwood




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In the book I also explain how global transformation can occur from the bottom up.

Personal & world transformation

Universal Basic Income Worldwide children adults book
“The Altruism Code…” by William Eastwood, shows us pathways to a world constitution. Universal Basic Income Worldwide for children & adults is one of those potential pathways & global unifying principle.

People and families, towns, and then regions can utilize the knowledge I am giving you now to change what occurs in these areas or in these groups. Following the Altruism Code, each individual, family, group and region can project new goals and new energy to transform themselves, their groups and areas. Once a few have done this, others will catch on and do the same. The more that do this, the more rapidly things will change for the better. We will then have accelerated transformation across regions changing the energy of the earth itself.

The Altruism Code is a tool to create personal, group and regional change that offers protection and prosperity. When enough people catch on, the entire planet will shift, and a positive atmosphere of protection will set up. Just because we have not yet experienced something like this on earth, doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen, and couldn’t happen suddenly.

—From Chapter One of “The Altruism Code…” by William Eastwood


All people are good spirits inside


There are many reasons why helping the poor and destitute is a good thing to do. I don’t want to live in a world where people suffer, especially children. I can’t do that, and I’m sure you feel the same way, or you wouldn’t be reading this. But there are also many logical reasons why helping others will help us. When we assist others, we make the world a much better place. It becomes a better and brighter reality and that charged positive energy helps us all.

We are all connected, and so helping one helps all. There are spiritual connections between people and the earth, and any kind act reverberates through humanity and across the planet. We raise the energy of humanity, and we assist the survival and transition of humanity and the planet to a new and better future.

A world of happy people and positive energy will help everyone. Many of those we help will grow up to make contributions. I have been helped and that has allowed me to help others. This article only exists, for example, because someone decided they would help me.

When we move forward as if we had the means, the way will be shown. Any ideas or help you can provide will be most welcome. Your story, an article, a contribution or just a mention of this initiative to someone can serve to help make it a reality.


William Eastwood plan for a new civilization
A WilliamEastwood.com article.


Denmark’s programs are a good example of how well an international guaranteed income [also called “Universal Basic Income] program could work.

Universal Basic Income for children and adults that need help is not a loan program but an idea which would transform our civilization by providing guaranteed income to cover basic food and shelter for those who need help the most. This is not “the left,” “the right” or socialism, this is what needs to be done for our survival right now and going forward for the next challenging decade. This is about feeding starving and displaced children.

There is a successful program in Brazil that reduces poverty. We can learn from it what can work.

Universal basic income worldwide.


William Eastwood Earth Network Mission Great Civilization plan to solve world problems now
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


Universal Basic Income Worldwide is for Children & Adults Who Need Help

Universal Basic Income Worldwide children adults book
“The Altruism Code…” by William Eastwood, shows us pathways to a world constitution. Universal Basic Income Worldwide for children & adults is one of those potential pathways & global unifying principle.

Because Guaranteed Income [also called “Universal Basic Income] is working so well, it makes sense to implement it on a global scale. Universal Basic Income Worldwide that helps children and adults who need help is about basic rights to food and shelter.

Universal Basic Income Worldwide is the future as I see it. It is the first stage of what will be large scale global healing and transformation of our planet.

As they stand now, many of society’s systems and institutions seek to control the individual’s actions. Because of this many people fail and then society has to pay their way.

In contrast, Universal Basic Income Worldwide will be based on the opposite thinking. People do not need to be corralled, regulated and controlled to death by the government. When the government helps them, as is done in Denmark, everyone succeeds. Since a civilization is its population, civilization as a whole would succeed with the implementation of a program similar to Denmark’s.

I hope to help bring Universal Basic Income Worldwide to the poor and destitute of all nations. I have a plan that consists of five books, a film and much more. We are currently seeking non-profit status. The sale of books supports the mission and so book sales (about thirty I wrote) are part of the plan and the contribution you can make while also benefiting from what you learn.

Denver Colorado in the United States has one of the first programs being implemented to solve the homeless crisis. The Denver program is about the government finally moving in the opposite direction than it has in the past. It is a completely new paradigm. It was funded by a private citizen and this is potentially what can happen with ours.

Rather than hinder people, the government needs to assist people. When government no longer drives people into homelessness and despair, all kinds of good things will begin happening.


Earth Network presents a plan for world peace.


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We will transform human lives and eventually the entire planet.

Economic Security Project (US)

Universal Basic Income Worldwide children adults book
“The Altruism Code…” by William Eastwood, shows us pathways to a world constitution. Universal Basic Income Worldwide for children & adults is one of those potential pathways & global unifying principle.

Universal Basic Income is social healing. Helping people heal helps everyone. I also have a plan to transform the Criminal Justice System into a system of social healing. That plan is in the book “The Solution…” part of the five book complete plan.

Punishing people ultimately destroys families and communities and incarceration costs trillions of dollars a year, and that’s only a fraction of what it actually costs. The lost tax revenues, the cost to children and lost productivity and other expenses resulting from incarceration are staggering.

The results of the first wave of  Guaranteed Income [Universal Basic Income] experimental programs across the country are reporting extremely promising findings that were unexpected. The programs are working better than expected.

Universal Basic Income Worldwide is an idea whose time has come. I am seeking investment funds to launch these potential transformative programs. Meanwhile, individuals can still benefit from the pilot programs in place now. And new programs can be set up in your country, state or region if you contact me and work with us to make it happen.

A new world based on concepts of abundance for all is a reality that is fast approaching.


Altruistic Movement 2000 - 2024 William Eastwood
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
How can I save the earth & all life?
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
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When countries come together, we have the means to take care of everyone as explained (below) in Chapter Thirty-Nine of “The Altruism Code…”


Toward a World Constitution 

The catalyst for a world constitution could be the creation of a think-tank

Universal Basic Income Worldwide children adults book
“The Altruism Code…” by William Eastwood, shows us pathways to a world constitution. Universal Basic Income Worldwide for children & adults is one of those potential pathways & global unifying principle.

Creating a world constitution would be a vast and complex undertaking. Such a constitution wouldn’t need to be a ridged, all-encompassing set of rules, but could be a set of ideals or helpful goals that could be adapted to the needs of each country.  A think-tank could be created to visualize what kind of constitution would serve each country’s needs best. 

Countries could be approached by emissaries suggesting unique avenues for potential assistance as a potential result of a world constitution being considered

The first step would be to get countries to agree to the idea, and that would be done by showing each country how they could potentially benefit. Then we would need to find points of agreement to build on such as protection, human rights, guaranteed income for the poor, climate restoration, and incentives for regional needs.

[Universal Basic Income for children and adults that need help is a focused solution for a pressing world problem that can also serve as the gateway to a transformed civilization.]


Unifying principle based on internal science.
A MindOverMatterPower.com website article.


The primary motivation for joining the effort would be financial. Each time a country decided to join and hence contributed funding, the incentive for remaining countries would increase. As the central pool of financial resources increased, so would their potential benefit because once they were a member they would enjoy access to those funds to launch helpful programs in their countries.

—From Chapter Thirty-Nine of “The Altruism Code…” by William Eastwood




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Eastwood: Modern alchemist

50 year study by William Eastwood alchemist scientist


“Traditional science moves electrons around like children playing with blocks, whereas Internal Science gives us an understanding of how to create electrons, which is a far more valuable thing to know.”

— William Eastwood.


Books metaphysics eastwood
By William Eastwood (Paperback & eBook.)


30 Books by William Eastwood below.

See also his international film in the works.





Diamonds, platinum and gold at age 13

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“Don’t discount his insight!” (Amazon customer review)

bookstore manager book review expert
Matthew Griswold.

“I knew there was something I wasn’t seeing in life.  Eastwood shows you a way through the facade imprinted on us by standard teachings in religion and society. 

“Don’t discount his insight. Open your mind and give yourself a chance to thrive and help the world heal.”

Matthew Griswold, retired bookstore manager.



Consciousness is inherently kind and loving
The climate emergency, poverty & many other world problems can be solved.


Those who are willing to help will benefit the most

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A unifying principle for humanity & regional transition
A MindOverMatterPower.com website article.
Universal Basic Income World children adults
A World Without Borders & Universal Basic Income for children & adults.
The Best metaphysics teachers offering free guidance and daily affirmations, William Eastwood, founded the inner United Nations.
The Inner UN at Earth-Network.org.



Header for film Dragon Slayer Prophecy film

The plan to educate with a fictional movie based on a true story
Based on a true & ongoing story.


A film by William Eastwood to unite the youth world
A film by WE.



Book "The Solution to All of Humanity's Problems..."
561 pages. 2024 New Year’s edition, direct from the manufacturer.

The first of four books that give us a path to a new civilization

The Solution


This book is larger than it appears to be in the image above.

The Solution book. photograph of front cover
561 pages. 2024 New Year’s edition.


The new edition is loaded with practical information on how to create the life you want. The most recent editions are made available first at Lulu.com, the book manufacturer.  To ensure you get the latest version of William Eastwood’s regularly updated books, buy through Lulu.com.



The Solution book by William Eastwood.
The new eBook is loaded with links to many of the 500 free articles written by William Eastwood.

“We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution.”

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“Our civilization must be based on a single scientific paradigm everyone can agree on in order to heal division and function properly.

“But it has to be the right science”

— William Eastwood



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Internal Science book by alchemist scientist William Eastwood
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Fireworks at conclusion of: Why hasn’t my life changed for the better? Does reality ever improve?

Basic Income Worldwide: For Children & Adults Who Need Help

Copyright © 2025, By: William Eastwood. All rights reserved.


Universal Basic Income Worldwide


  • What is Universal Basic Income Worldwide?
  • How can we assist children who need help?
  • How will everyone benefit from Universal Basic Income Worldwide?
  • Is Universal Basic Income Worldwide a logical and rational course of action?

How to transform society and save the earth. How to turn your life around. Click on our books and site to learn more. 

