Who Are We? What is Our Nature? Where Do We Come From? What Are Our Myths? Where Are We Going?


Who Are We? What is Our Nature? Where Do We Come From? What Are Our Myths? Where Are We Going?

  • Who are we?
  • What is our nature?
  • Where do we come from?
  • What are our myths?
  • Where are we going?


I will answer these questions now.

This is an article on who we all are. If you are looking for “About Us” information, click one of the links below.


An earth-network.org article.


We are a thriving online community and we have a regional community in Pahoa Hawaii.


Thoughts create matter new civilization
Lots start at $7K.



Internal Science is the science of the people. Profits from the sale of books are used to fund the earth-network.org mission.



The material below is from the book, “Internal Science — The Way to Your Power and a Unified Civilization.”



How Do My Thoughts Create my Reality? Internal Science by William Eastwood

“Most of the ‘evil’ we see in the world is not because we are inherently bad, but because we believe we are. Most of us are spontaneously altruistic and loving, and as you will learn if you read my material, consciousness itself is altruistic on a fundamental level. That’s why you will see the word ‘altruism’ and ‘altruistic’ a lot in my literature.”

― William Eastwood



The core principles on which MISSION GREAT CIVILIZATION is based

My intent is to return natural power to the individual by means of an accurate new science (Internal Science) and practical life philosophy (International Philosophy).

Civilization is made up of individuals. We can therefore transform our civilization by restoring the natural power and altruistic nature of the individual.

True humanitarianism and uninterrupted personal power can only exist on the foundation of understanding and love that comes with the science and philosophy I have introduced.

It’s not just positive thinking and feelings that will bring you happiness and the ability to manifest your highest ambitions, it is a deep appreciation and understanding of the Intelligent Light of which you are composed. You are an altruistic force in the universe, and your power, effectiveness and joy in life is possible only with a deep and abiding awareness of the fact that you are.

With the realization that we are consciousness, and all are one, people will begin to realize that harming another harms their ability to progress in life. Other similar lessons will result in the diminishing of acts that harm others.

As these facts are internalized intellectually and emotionally, criminal behavior, violence and social problems will begin to dissolve in individual lives and then in civilization as a whole. Most diseases, poverty, violence, divisiveness, pain and fear will begin to vanish.

Consciousness is altruistic, loving, trusting, creative and cooperative. But those that do not operate within this paradigm are forcing negative experiences on themselves and choosing to enter probabilities in which they learn firsthand what our traditional heritage of false physicalist beliefs can produce in terms of behavior, divisiveness, cruelty, failure and violence.

The majority of people in the world today are using the mind in the wrong way because events are a projection of the mind, and our schoolteachers probably did not know that. The mind and five senses are a projector. The way the mind is used and focused, a person’s beliefs and attitude, determine what a person projects — experiences — as their reality.

If problems exist in the world, it is because we are creating them by default. Our core beliefs about human nature and reality are projected into form. Beliefs are a force. Those of us who understand, can help others. We will benefit from this more than we can in any other way, from taking any other action.

The fastest and most direct path to success, natural power and happiness in life is through what I call “The Altruistic Movement.” This movement is the energy of which you are composed, and not an institution. It is a powerful principle and movement of energy at your core. When you reach a certain point in your development, you will begin to sense this power and love underlying everything. As you do, you will seek the best, most effective path to help others.

This is the soul’s call to you. This is the powerful altruistic energy movement that creates our reality. You are a portion of that movement. Your realization of this fact is the degree to which you possess natural power and creative ability to create desirable events in your own life.

People who can help the world are “obligated” to help. By that I mean you owe it to yourself. You must be worthy of your own good nature at its core. If you do not use your abilities and intelligence in a way that helps all parties involved, then you invite both psychological and physical problems into your life. If you have problems and circumstances that disturb you, the best way to extricate yourself is by taking the most direct and effective path to your altruistic power through helping yourself and others.

That can only be done through a correct belief system.

When you understand your inherent natural altruism, you connect with the energy of which you are, and this alignment gives you the natural ability to use that intelligent force of unlimited energy to transform everything you touch and that includes your own life. You are the one that is going to benefit the most from this.

MISSION GREAT CIVILIZATION therefore requires understanding to work. A great civilization more beautiful than we can imagine will come out of using the right science and philosophy, and this is the purpose of Internal Science and International Philosophy.

Internal Science is science with a heart and soul. I cannot overstate this fact.

When people do not believe in this goodness within that belongs to all life, they can act in ways that are detrimental to themselves and others. Terrorism and harm exist to the degree that we do not recognize our true nature. All consciousness, at its core, is altruistic. All the figures in history that harmed others believed the opposite. Even many good people who are out in the world doing good deeds can inadvertently be harming others to the degree that they misunderstand the goodness within all souls.

All the withholding of abundance and love is a factor of misunderstanding human nature and reality, and this is the prime thrust of my work, conveying this fact. All life and all energy is altruistic at its core.

Any prison you go to, any place where people suffer, and you will find a lack of understanding of this principle. The fundamental cause of all suffering can be traced to specific beliefs. These disruptive and damaging beliefs have been passed down to us from our ancestors under the guise of goodness or under the false impression that punishing or harming “bad people” can help good people. Restrictions and harm to others can never help anyone. There is never justification for degrading others, and doing so can trap even the person with the best intents at a lower level of understanding, leading to a perpetual stalemate.

When people understand the facts conveyed by the science and philosophy I am conveying, they will be highly motivated to extract the hindering social beliefs from their own psyche so that they themselves can enjoy the best life has to offer. It will not be something that they necessarily force themselves to do. They will be highly motivated, because they will understand that they can have whatever they want in life, as can anyone, but only to the degree that they completely understand the altruistic nature of themselves, all energy and life itself.

We are all in the Altruistic Movement. The degree to which you realize this is the degree to which you will thrive and find true happiness and fulfillment in your life.

Join me then, please, and we can transform the earth into a beautiful paradise in which people joyfully share their love and kindness with all and lift all species to a higher level. Through understanding and kind acts aligned with this wisdom, we will express our natural power far beyond the norms that have held humanity back in previous generations.

These are the facts on which we will build a foundation for a new kind of civilization.


This material you just read is from the book, “Internal Science — The Way to Your Power and a Unified Civilization.”



“Our civilization must be based on a single scientific paradigm everyone can agree on in order to heal division and function properly.

“But it has to be the right science”

— William Eastwood



Earth Network 50 years of research


Internal Science book by alchemist scientist William Eastwood
Your book purchase supports MISSION GREAT CIVILIZATION.

Take your power & control back


Who are we?

We individualized portions of All-That-Is (also referred to as individuality within unity). We are Energy. We are Consciousness. We are Intelligent Love. We are spiritual beings who understand who we are and our ability to create our reality and we choose to create a beautiful reality.

The information within Internal Science and International Philosophy is some of the best practical life philosophy in the world. We are fortunate to have this information. Most of the world is hypnotized by chaos and confusion from those who have come before us and their many myths.


A MindOverMatterPower.com article.



Find out just how intelligent you are!

EN scientific intellectual challenge

ROUND ONE of the new intelligence test!

A website that challenges you to be smarter
Internal Science & International Philosophy by William Eastwood.

Earth Network 50 years of research

Holographic reality universe David Bohm Einstein Eastwood
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

The scientific experiments of William Eastwood

Earth Network menu for articles navigation

False scientific worldview paradigm modern
you are manifesting your beliefs as your reality
Consciousness mind forms matter does reality
Your Beliefs Create Your Reality: Theory You Have Control Over What Happens to You
Why Are People Divided Their Thinking? Americans, Politicians
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
Thoughts Create Matter shelter from the storm
What is Internal Science & International Philosophy
An earth-network.org article.
The Holographic Theory of Consciousness
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
How can I save the earth & all life?
The secret power of your life.

Mind forms matter can thoughts create events objects
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
How do I know what to do? Follow the God of You
Earth Network presents a plan for world peace.
A unifying principle for humanity & regional transition
Consciousness creates the universe physical objects reality
How to create anything you want
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
Paradise for you in Hawaii
William Eastwood plan for a new civilization
A WilliamEastwood.com article.
The secrets of the universe, multiverse and time
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
EN presents How to manifest money
How to turn your thoughts into gold


Singularity or one energy motion is another way to describe all that exists. Scientists such as Einstein’s friend and colleague, physicist David Bohm, have done that.

Use whatever terms work for you.

The one energy is all that exists, there are no solid particles. This is known.


Consciousness forms matter Solid physical Particles do not exist
A MindFormsMatter.com article.


What we are now will never be taken away or duplicated. All experiences are unique and original.  What you do today is exclusive in the universe and will never be duplicated. Your consciousness is sacred. Every individual is a portion of the same force of creative divinity. Our individuality is forever, even though we are connected to all others through inner pathways and because there are no absolute boundaries in the multidimensional reality we partake in.

Our current selves, our individuality are indelible. Our current personality will always exist. Our physical body can be harmed, and it will die, but we will never die. What we are now will expand and grow into more.

Out of the selves we are, we will evolve into more advanced versions of ourselves. Consciousness is eternal and indestructible.


Your Beliefs Create Your Reality: Theory You Have Control Over What Happens to You
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article. 


These facts are what I have learned over a 50-year period of research and from a different form of science. Internal Science probes directly into multidimensional existence. Unlimited firsthand insights and unlimited information is available to everyone.


A ThoughtsFormMatter.com website article.


We are consciousness and we are eternal. Physical reality is a holographic projection of consciousness from within a multidimensional field. Without that taken into consideration, physicalism science can only go so far. Physical science can build technology but cannot understand reality or creation within the incomplete physicalism paradigm.

Consciousness creates all physical dimensions and consciousness is primary.


The Internal Science & International Philosophy of William Eastwood solve world problems
An earth-network.org website article.


You are consciousness and your body exists first as a light form. Every cell has a nonphysical counterpart made of pure consciousness and this nonphysical cell forms the physical cell.


The body's quantum light system
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.


We all are the same in that our identity is pure consciousness and consciousness is amazing. Our consciousness can recreate the universe. We have all knowledge within deeper levels of our consciousness because we are plugged in and a part of the source that created multidimensional reality.

Simply to communicate, I will use the term “God” to describe “all that exists” and I will use the term “he,” although God in my view is the “intelligent love” that forms us, of which we are composed. The custom is to use “He” rather than “She” to describe God, but these designations are meaningless since God or All-That-Is is everything which of course includes both she and he.

It is a completely different definition, so don’t read anything into it. This is not religion. If you are religious, you can determine what is accurate in your religion with this information. Whatever fits this description is accurate and whatever does not is a myth.

When I say “we,” the term “we” can just as easily be substituted with the word “God.” For example, when I say we are multidimensional, it is the same as saying God is multidimensional.

There is no hierarchical structure of consciousness, however, and so I am not saying we are superior beings or suggesting anything along those lines. All is equal within itself or its constituents.


Conscious evolution where you consciousness come from
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.


The main article continues below.


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Earth Network 50 years of research


All books & articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


Our audiobook by Scott & William Eastwood
Listen, learn & manifest.


Earth Network menu for articles navigation

Article panel list of 500 articles
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


How can I save the earth & all life?
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
The secrets of the universe, multiverse and time
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
Free money for basics for everyone in the world
An earth-network.org article.
Mind forms matter command reality
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
Thoughts create matter presents: Who you really are.
ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
Myths are Causing Depression & Suicide In Children, Teens and Adults? What is the cause of suicide problem
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.
You can be blind as a bat or very powerful
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

What is a unifying principleA MindOverMatterPower.com article.

Appreciation gratitude are International Philosophy
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
How to be safe with non-linear time thinking worldview
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
you are manifesting your beliefs as your reality
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
What is your Unlimited human potential
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
The Holographic Theory of Consciousness
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
Why science religion deny consciousness creates reality
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
you are in an infinite web of probabilities
A WilliamEastwood.com article.



The main article resumes:


What is our nature?

Our nature is good, and it is multidimensional, but our nature here is what we believe our nature is. If we don’t believe that we are multidimensional then that information becomes invisible.

“We” come here to learn, and our nature is multidimensional. Our extended experience is multidimensional, although being temporarily cut off (when being born here and forgetting) we are not aware of who and what we are to its full extent. When you die you will be acquainted with your multidimensional Divine nature. Once that happens you cannot come back here as the same person because that information is not supposed to be disclosed in that way prematurely.

If that information was disclosed, this earth experience would not be as real and as effective as it is. We may forget who we are here so that we will act as if we were an individual free to harm or love, the choice is ours. In this way, we are less inhibited and will show beliefs and corresponding behaviors that may not work to our advantage so that we can dispense with those ideas that do not serve us which are inaccurate.

This is changing, however. The human race is awakening, and this information will become available to all. That is happening now.


Why the human race is waking up
An earth-network.org article.


People will always attack what they fear, and great prophets are always prosecuted or executed.

“If you want to be wrong, then follow the masses.”Socrates

Socrates was made to drink poison (Hemlock). The Socrates school was burned to the ground and Plato’s academy was destroyed. Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei were two scientists who printed books that later became banned.


respectable academic site reputable source
A MindOverMatterPower.com website article.
Thoughts Create Matter how to create what you want
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com website article.


Where do we come from?

We are everywhere within all that is known. We come from an inner realm of consciousness that exists everywhere. There is no “outside.” We are always within our own consciousness or in this case, a physical hologram formed out of consciousness. Time and space are erroneous designations, but they serve us so that we can agree to meet at a certain time and place.

“We” is a better term than “you” since we are multi-persons (multidimensional spiritual beings) and also all connected on certain levels.


Earth Network's mission great civilization. Boy: Wow! It's possible now!
earth-network.org. Where you can join a global alliance.


What are our myths?

We create our reality. Our beliefs create our myths. Our myths are a result of beliefs about ourselves and reality that are not intrinsically true. By believing something, we experience a myth as if it were true. We manifest our illnesses and poor behaviors because of our myths.

The face we show the world is a result of what we have been told we are. We come here forgetting and adopting the beliefs of our world and we show the results of those ideas and resulting characteristics, some of which will remain and some which will be changed. The idea of being a single self, funnels “we” into “me” and thus creates the appearance of what seems to be a world population of individual people. The idea that we are physical beings filters out anything contrary so that the world appears to be inhabited by physical beings. We are using ideas to create and shape the reality we experience where and when we hold those ideas. When we die, we will return to the awareness of who we are, and we will have come home again and will be overjoyed.

Sexuality is about spiritual oneness and not what we have been taught. Narrow definitions funnel our reality into the version we believe in. Energy (loving intelligence) moves toward unity, because we are all one. We are individuals but we are also all one.

We are multidimensional spiritual beings having a physical experience. We are God individualized, setting out to discover what God is. For God to discover who he is, he enters this kind of physical experience. This is one way that God discovers who he is, but not the only way (a subject for another time).

In an analogy, if people were waves on an ocean, the ocean would be the one energy forming those waves. Loving infinite intelligence forms all the seeming individual manifestations in the same way ocean water cycles through waves. The waves are always changing as water from the ocean is picked up, takes on the form of the wave, and then passes back into the ocean to form another wave or whatever. The ocean of consciousness which is “we” forms people, creatures, plants and particles, so it is wise to be kind to all. There are no higher and lower forms of consciousness because, in the analogy as begun, all the waves are composed of the same ocean water (we).

For God or energy to discover who he is, he does this: He creates apparent individuality and separates into apparent portions from all knowing and then watches to see what happens. He views what transpires from the perspective of the being (particle state) and from outside of time and space as well, observing the drama unfolding from two equally valid perspectives and thus learning who he is.


All people are good spirits inside
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.


One way God learns who he is, is by seeing his nature as it appears when it enters into physical form. If we didn’t enter physical existence, we wouldn’t see our thoughts and characteristics reflected back in the way we do, as events and objects of seeming durability in physical form.

In physical reality we see only one version of who we are at a time, and it is a reflection of what we believe we are. Unfortunately, our beliefs have been very negative and because of this we think we are negative or fraudulent beings. That is not so.

The myths are based on the idea that we are what we have shown in past generations, but past generations were steeped in myth. Those myths produced the negative manifestations such as war and divisiveness which we perpetuate as long as we believe the myths, which we all do to some extent (although that is in the process of changing). That state of myth has only happened because of a disconnect from inner knowing.


Cult philosophy science religion violence
A MindFormsMatter.com article.


I explain in other articles that we disconnected from our source to create “Individuality and ego consciousness.” I use the term “ego” to refer to our concept of who we are, not as the more general usage referring to selfish aspects of the self. The “ego” is individuality within unity. The ego self is far more extensive and beautiful than ever supposed. The ego is a person’s conception of who they are. It is their self-definition.

If someone says, “I am this and I am not that,” they are defining who they think they are and that is what I call the ego. They are probably saying that they are not other people, and so it is a way to narrow our identity to form our sense of individuality, and this is something that animals do not do, to the extent that we do.

We grab a bunch of characteristics and say, “This is who I am.” But infinite probable selves exist. Some other self of ours grabs the characteristics that we do not and so forms a different ego. They are all equally real and valid. You can draw whatever characteristics you desire from the field of probabilities. You are the field of probabilities; it is an extension of who we are.

The ego self (people alive on earth) is not cut off from God or All-That-Is (pick your term) but are like a wave on the ocean. If the ocean is God, then the water as defined by the “wave” (individuality within unity), being the water of the ocean circulating through the wave form, is equal to and a part of God. Water cannot be less than itself. The spiritual essence of all cannot be diluted. It forms you and it forms an ant or a tree or flower.

We are composed of the same ingredient, which is spiritual essence or consciousness. Conventional science will never figure all of this out because physicalism denies that there is more to reality than meets the eye. Darwin and Freud gave us the main myths of our times based on physicalism (limited perception). They thought we were merely selfish physical bodies that accidentally appeared on a fixed and forever point in a timeline.

Einstein’s theory of relativity changed physicists’ understanding, but the rest of us didn’t let it change our beliefs.

The myths based on physicalism extend to every subject. The entire paradigm that has built up over generations is a complex system of beliefs that don’t serve us. Our beliefs create our facts. Those beliefs are the operating program, so to speak, hence forcing the “God force” of which we are made to act according to those beliefs and thus manifest those faulty attributes and predispositions.


  • We are good. 
  • We are altruistic.
  • We are cooperative.
  • We are social.
  • We are one.
  • We are creative.
  • We are infinite.
  • We are curious.
  • We are positive.
  • We are loving intelligence (infinite intelligence composed of pure love).


The soul is indestructible and eternal. We are God force imbued with positive expectations for ourselves and all life. There are no boundaries to what we are. We create time and space, and we are infinite and so there is no end to the number of realities we participate in.


William Eastwood material is the universe made of consciousness
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.


The main article continues below.


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Earth Network 50 years of research


All books & articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


Our audiobook by Scott & William Eastwood
Listen, learn & manifest.


Earth Network menu for articles navigation

Article panel list of 500 articles
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


What is your Unlimited human potential
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
Discover the superhuman you are & intelligence within you
A WilliamEastwood.com article.
Free money for basics for everyone in the world
An earth-network.org article.
It time travel possible?
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.
The Holographic Theory of Consciousness
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
What is Internal Science & International Philosophy
An earth-network.org article.
Who Are We? What is Our Nature? Where Do We Come From? What Are Our Myths?
An earth-network.org article.
Why Are People Divided Their Thinking? Americans, Politicians
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
Whats the difference between internal and external science Eastwood
A WilliamEastwood.com article.
Conscious evolution where you consciousness come from
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
Cult philosophy science religion violence
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
The solution to climate change and most of humanity's problems
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
How do my thoughts create my reality?
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
How to change negative thinking to positive
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
The Universe is recreated in each moment
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

Do your thoughts influence people monkey wonders
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
Altruistic Movement 2000 - 2024 William Eastwood
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
How can I save the earth & all life?
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
The secrets of the universe, multiverse and time
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
How to create what you want have life
A WilliamEastwood.com article.
You can be blind as a bat or very powerful
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.
Multidimensional Time Travel: Astral Projection man-made planet
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
International Guaranteed Income for Everyone
An earth-network.org article.
William Eastwood material is the universe made of consciousness
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
Consciousness forms matter Solid physical Particles do not exist
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
Your beliefs create your reality
An earth-network.org website article.
How to travel to your future manifest money gold
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
William Eastwood plan for a new civilization
A WilliamEastwood.com article.
Learn how to manifest anything you want now
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
Why the human race is waking up
An earth-network.org article.



You are NOT meant to suffer!

William Eastwood in paradise teaching manifesting
William Eastwood wants to tell you how you can have anything you want.

Reality is not the dark and gloomy picture that is often taught in the classroom and depicted on the news. There is no reason whatsoever to suffer in life. You do not have to work at a job you do not like in a grueling 9 to 5 life of pain and suffering followed by death and extermination of your existence. It isn’t that way at all!

This way of thinking is a symptom of a flawed model rather than flawed people. Reality is far different than what most of us were taught.


Manifest anything & stay safe under any circumstances / No matter what your situation is, you can change it

When I was in a seemingly impossible situation, I created a series of powerful affirmations to escape the predicament I was in. They worked so well that I still use them today. I have made them available on my free course.

They transition us to the new paradigm so that we can achieve our goals and live safely. They give us immunity from inner and outer threats of every kind.


New every day.

Our course is posted on 4 websites (Each one is at a different stage)

You can tap in at any time. With four different pages you can always find the precise affirmation(s) and insight(s) you need to make the day go your way.


“My daily affirmation page teaches you how to create the events you want with your thoughts. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don’t go to this page, don’t follow your intuition, or don’t apply the principles, nothing will happen.”

There is a definite process of learning we must go through to operate efficiently with the context of the new paradigm. Our course is meant to be easy, with a dozen or so affirmations and a few paragraphs of education material that changes every day and lasts for about two months, then repeats.

The course will help you to replace one operating program (worldview) with another. Otherwise, two worldviews with conflicting ways of doing things (and beliefs) can stalemate you.


“Political, scientific, religious, educational, medical and economic forces in our society are telling you that there is something wrong with you. I am here to tell you that there is nothing wrong with you — that’s contemporary superstition being projected.”

— William Eastwood


All people are good spirits inside
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.



The main article resumes:


Where are we going?

We are going where we want to go. We each decide what dimension we want to experience. When you are done with this life you can reincarnate as a woman or man. You can go to other dimensions and embark on other exciting adventures.

We are all becoming gods. We are going toward that which we are. All time is now, but new combinations are always being created by every mental and physical act of ours.

We are going toward becoming like our inner ego or inner self, more aware of our multidimensionality and directing many lives and experiences. Forever is a long time and so beyond that is anyone’s guess.


We can create anything.


Your beliefs create your reality
An earth-network.org website article.


The main article continues below.

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Earth Network 50 years of research


All books & articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


Our audiobook by Scott & William Eastwood
Listen, learn & manifest.


Earth Network menu for articles navigation

Article panel list of 500 articles
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


Who Are We? What is Our Nature? Where Do We Come From? What Are Our Myths?
An earth-network.org article.
Stop all problems from continuing
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
How to manifest cash and materialize money using metaphysics
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
How do I use mind over matter to materialize money manifesting goals dreams?
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
How Do I Manifest Money Without Having to Work? Materialize jet You Want
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

The body's quantum light system
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
The Holographic Theory of Consciousness
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
What is Internal Science & International Philosophy
An earth-network.org article.
Whats the difference between internal and external science Eastwood
A WilliamEastwood.com article.
the secret
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.



Header for film Dragon Slayer Prophecy film

Dragon Slayer Prophecy 2024 film
A MindOverMatterPower.com website article.
William Eastwood descendant of King Arthur Merlin Magician
An earth-network.org article.

A plan for a new civilization from the future
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.


The main article resumes:



Who is William Eastwood?

By: Camille Flores

How Do My Thoughts Create my Reality? Internal Science by William Eastwood
William Eastwood.


William Eastwood autobiography & 50-year study
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.


The film movie dragon slayer William Eastwood
Based on a true & ongoing story.


A ThoughtsFormMatter.com website article.


Your Beliefs Create Your Reality: Theory You Have Control Over What Happens to You
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article. 


As beneficial as they are, the majority of the world’s charities don’t know how to solve the world’s problems. Nonprofits and those who want to help, do much good in the world and bring relief to those who desperately need it, but they cannot solve those problems in the way you can once you are onboard with others to create a new civilization with positive beliefs.


The principles we teach are working in my own life

You can call it manifested money or you can call it good fortune, but the state of Colorado and several agencies have given me a chance to work to advance this mission with not insignificant sums of money.

Through methods we teach, I have been able to write full time for the past six years. I don’t have to work a traditional job and I have plenty of money coming in. Recently I have been seeing good signs. In the past year I have been approved for a program that is based on the principle of the state’s Guaranteed Income programs that are the first of their kind in the nation.
My vision includes GI for the world. Because I have received a form of Guaranteed Income and have implemented the philosophy upon which its effectiveness is based, I am particularly well equipped to implement it. I want a worldwide program. Every book sold helps make this mission a little more possible.


Find a Community Living Off-Grid: Spiritual, Positive & Humanitarian
A WilliamEastwood.com website article.



You are NOT meant to suffer!

William Eastwood in paradise teaching manifesting
William Eastwood wants to tell you how you can have anything you want.

Reality is not the dark and gloomy picture that is often taught in the classroom and depicted on the news. There is no reason whatsoever to suffer in life. You do not have to work at a job you do not like in a grueling 9 to 5 life of pain and suffering followed by death and extermination of your existence. It isn’t that way at all!

This way of thinking is a symptom of a flawed model rather than flawed people. Reality is far different than what most of us were taught.



Manifest anything instantly, and stay safe under any circumstances

When I was in a seemingly impossible situation, I created a series of powerful affirmations to escape the predicament I was in. They worked so well that I still use them today. I have made them available to the public on four websites and in two books primarily.

Internal Science allows you to achieve immunity from every form of threat: climate, economic, health, social, crime, war, etc..


Affirmations to manifest anything you want instantly
A daily affirmation & guidance page.


Thoughts mind exist outside body consciousness project
Click for video introduction.


GCGlobal consciousness coherency in Real-Time.



To raise the energy of the planet we must educate







Make an investment in yourself and help the whole world!

Click book manufacturer to  purchase direct or on any book link or book below. Click the image below for our list of hard copy and eBooks to fund our mission to create a new kind of civilization. Or click,I want the audiobook” to navigate to audible books to make every day of your life the best day possible.


Thoughts Create Matter eBooks books
An earth-network.org list of books.



Earth Network books

Books by William Eastwood to fund the earth-network.org mission.

Earth Network's mission great civilization. Boy: Wow! It's possible now!
earth-network.org. Where you can join a global alliance.


When you buy a book here you are not only helping yourself and making an important investment in yourself, you are helping the whole world! All proceeds are used to fund the earth-network.org mission and to help people struggling in over 170 countries. Many people need food and have children who are suffering, and this site is free for them to use to manifest what they need.


William Eastwood Earth Network Mission Great Civilization plan to solve world problems now
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.



When you buy through Lulu.com, the profits that would otherwise go to a 2nd big corporation serve instead as a donation to help people who desperately need help. Lulu.com is the manufacturer and carries the latest editions of our books.




A new picture of reality has emerged since Einstein published his theory of relativity in 1905. Quantum mechanics has proven elements of classical physics to be incorrect.


Albert Einstein Internal Science & International Philosophy of William Eastwood Provided by Earth-Network.org to Solve Individual World problems.  
Albert Einstein.


“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

― Albert Einstein.




Books metaphysics eastwood





Thoughts form matter mind creates Solution William Eastwood
561 pages. 2024 New Year’s edition.






"Make All Your Problems Go Away" hardcover book.
A special trophy hardcover book with color illustrations.










How to manifest - A guide book by William Eastwood 2024




You Are Altruistic - A True Story & Message to Humanity
A special eBook & prelude to “The Dragon Slayer Prophecy” book and film.





Thoughts form matter You Are a Beautiful Person book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.


The Altruism Code book your protection how you think new world constitution by Eastwood William


Book International philosophy of life success wealth happiness internal science by William Eastwood




For consistency of accurate material.

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How can I save the earth & all life?
A MindOverMatterPower.com article. 
It time travel possible?
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.
The Holographic Theory of Consciousness
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
What is Internal Science & International Philosophy
An earth-network.org article.
Who Are We? What is Our Nature? Where Do We Come From? What Are Our Myths?
An earth-network.org article.
Why Are People Divided Their Thinking? Americans, Politicians
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
Whats the difference between internal and external science Eastwood
A WilliamEastwood.com article.
Conscious evolution where you consciousness come from
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
Cult philosophy science religion violence
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
The solution to climate change and most of humanity's problems
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
How do my thoughts create my reality?
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
How to change negative thinking to positive
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
The Universe is recreated in each moment
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

The secrets of the universe, multiverse and time
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
You can be blind as a bat or very powerful
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.
Multidimensional Time Travel: Astral Projection man-made planet
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
Free guaranteed income funds for you
An earth-network.org article.
William Eastwood material is the universe made of consciousness
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
Consciousness forms matter Solid physical Particles do not exist
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
Your beliefs create your reality
An earth-network.org website article.
How to travel to your future manifest money gold
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
William Eastwood plan for a new civilization
A WilliamEastwood.com article.
Learn how to manifest anything you want now
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
Why the human race is waking up
An earth-network.org article.

What is a unifying principleA MindOverMatterPower.com article.

William Eastwood autobiography & 50-year study
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

Thoughts create matter visualizationA MindOverMatterPower.com article.

Past, Present & Future Time Exists Now
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
THE SECRET: How to Use the Law of Attraction to Solve Problems & Achieve Goals
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
ESP: What it is How to Develop
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
You do not need a diet because they don't work
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
Appreciation gratitude are International Philosophy
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
How to be safe with non-linear time thinking worldview
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
Why Are People Divided Their Thinking? Americans, Politicians
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

BILLIONAIRE BELIEFS MILLIONAIRE Secret Formula to Manifest BillionsA MindFormsMatter.com article.

Will the human race survive? Predictions for 2024-2050
A WilliamEastwood.com article.
About William Eastwood & His Earth Network Mission to Help Humanity
An earth-network.org article.
consciousness thought-creates everything universe cosmos life eastwood einstein
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.
Einstein & William Eastwood International author. The new scientific authority
An earth-network.org article.
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
How to use your mind's power to manifest money success
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
An Earth-Network.org website article.

Your Beliefs Create Your Reality: Theory You Have Control Over What Happens to You
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article. 
The body's quantum light system
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
The climate emergency solution We can reverse global warming
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
Guaranteed Income to everyone in the world.
An earth-network.org article.
Earth Network presents: A World Without Borders.
A WilliamEastwood.com article.
All people are good spirits inside
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
Time is an illusion
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
Earth Network presents a plan for world peace.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.
Internal Science International Philosophy William Eastwood
A WilliamEastwood.com article.
A public notification of a new science paradigm consciousness creates reality
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
You are in a consciousness hologram you create and control with your thoughts
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
The secret power of your life.
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
Mind forms matter books how.
Book manufacturer.
Direct from manufacturer.


Fireworks finale for How Do I Manifest Money Without Having to Work? Materialize What You Want

Who Are We? What is Our Nature? Where Do We Come From? What Are Our Myths? Where Are We Going?

Copyright © 2024, By: William Eastwood. All rights reserved.


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Who Are We? What is Our Nature? Where Do We Come From? What Are Our Myths? Where Are We Going?

Categories: Who are we? What is our nature? Where do we come from? What are our myths? Where are we going? Human nature and our collective and individual destiny. Click on our site to learn more.
